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Asset Tracking Technologies for Business Security

Tracking assets are an integral part of every business as it saves a significant amount of time and money as well as maximize the assets of the company to provide the best returns to stakeholders. In addition to this, it involves asset recovery as well. However, there are various technology options for asset tracking and it is not always easy to choose the most suitable one for your business needs. Here we will list the most used asset tracking technologies which you can use for your needs.

QR Codes

Quick Response (QR) code is a specific type of barcode which is used in asset tracking to uniquely identify assets upon scanning. QR codes are also advantageous over their traditional counterparts as in they can be scanned in 360° with a smartphone camera, contain more information, allow for error margin up to 30% which helps in case code gets damaged or dirty. For businesses labeling their assets with QR codes is the cheapest option and probably the fastest to implement. Scanning the code saves time and prevents mistakes and also you do not have to type an asset identifier (ID) into an asset management system manually. QR codes are easy to scan and the location data for each scan is recorded by utilizing the smartphone GPS.


Global Positioning System is ideal for global, outdoor tracking of assets. It is based on a system of 24 satellites communicating with receivers on the ground. These satellites broadcast signals that contain information about their current position and time.

GPS receivers calculate its distance to at least 4 satellites and use this information to determine the location on earth. It is an innovating technology which is an important tool in cutting expenses. With efficient GPS asset tracking devices it is possible to secure your business assets and equipment. Implementing this technology is worth an investment for your business irrespective of its size. It helps recover stolen assets quickly, useful in precise billing, lowers the insurance premium and last but not the least saves time and money.

The above mentioned are just the 2 out of many assets tracking technologies that you can use and if you have been looking to implement them in your business then visit Rocky Mountain Tracking today.

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